Main goals «Speranța și Sanatate»:
– develop in mentally retarded adults the vital skills of self-care and self-maintenance in everyday family and social life.
– to train mentally retarded people with professional skills in accordance with their development and abilities for their further employment.
– provide assistance to parents in matters of child care moral support to the family.
To achieve the goals and objectives of the organization, we created a Day Center, and then educational workshops, in which young people learn to live independently, acquiring labor skills in accordance with their health status and abilities, studying general education subjects.
The day center and workshops are located in the premises of the former kindergarten, which was transferred to our organization for free use by decisions of the Municipal Council for a period of 25 years.
The day center was created and works for people with disabilities of groups 1-2 with diagnoses: mental and mental disorders, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Down’s disease and other diseases.
The center constantly develops and implements training and development programs.
- To teach pupils the basics of labor skills. In the workshops, children are taught manufacturing technologies:
– wood products (frames, chairs, tables, stools, shelves);
– improvised material, paper, knitting threads;
– garments (gloves, pillowcases, sheets, aprons);
– weaving products (decorative homespun carpets, panels, napkins);
– ceramic products (vases, flowerpots, decorative ceramic products, planters)
– products made of painted glass, leather, paper (decorative table lamps, stained-glass windows, paintings, etc.).
- To improve physical health.
One of the priority areas implemented in our center is the implementation of a program to improve the physical health of our pupils. To this end, daily physical education classes are held with pupils. The dynamics of physical development can be traced according to the test results. During the reporting period, the guys became much stronger, learned to perform physical exercises that they could not perform when they entered the center.
An intermediate summing up of the results of each quarter is the holding of competitions. For the first time, our children participated in the 1st Republican Special Olympics for people with intellectual disabilities.
- On social education and the study of general subjects (mainly mathematics and grammar).
The social worker teaches pupils:
– the ability to behave in society, compliance with the basic rules of communication and behavior in a store, clinic, post office, etc.
In practice, pupils are shown how to behave in the bazaar, buying food from private sellers, in a store, cooking – choosing the right goods for various purposes (food, sanitary and hygienic goods, essentials, etc.).
The purpose of the classes: to teach students how to navigate life correctly, choose a purchase, count money, and not make low-quality purchases.
– development of the emotional-volitional sphere of pupils. Conducting classes on the development of the adequacy of feelings, overcoming selfish emotions. Pupils are taught to correctly express a request, adequately respond to appeals, protect themselves or avoid danger.
- For self-service:
Pupils learn household skills by doing the necessary housework in the day center (cleaning the premises, yard, cooking, washing dishes, learning to take care of personal belongings, etc.).
- For aesthetic education.
The program includes:
– music education classes:
– classes to develop the creative abilities of pupils;
– visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters, circus, cinema, historical places of the republic, etc.
As part of aesthetic education, children participate in staging performances, concerts, shows, organizing holidays, etc.
- By instilling the rules of personal hygiene.
- On the correction and development of speech.
Classes are held with a speech therapist to correct the grammatical structure of speech, replenish vocabulary, sound pronunciation.
- On training beneficiaries to work in the subsidiary farm. The program includes teaching children how to work on the ground (planning a place for planting, the correct purchase of seed material, planting it in open ground, etc.). As the plants grow, they learn to care for the plants (weeding, watering, loosening the soil, etc.). Then they are trained to process agricultural products.
In the premises of the Day Center there is a permanent exhibition of works of beneficiaries, reflecting the results of the learning process.
In addition, the Association has repeatedly taken part in charity fairs organized by the Club of Ambassadors’ Wives.
The children’s works were presented at exhibitions – sales in Italy, France.
In order to improve the professionalism of the staff, improve their skills – all people working in the organization participate in seminars, trainings, exchange meetings, study the methods and techniques of working with beneficiaries.
The organization constantly provides assistance to pupils from a poor social environment who do not have the financial opportunity to fully eat, receive the necessary medicines, dress – in the Day Center they have lunch, get clothes.
To change the attitude of society, authorities, employers towards people with intellectual disabilities, the organization takes a number of steps:
– through the mass media, the problems of this category of people, their success in learning, the difficulties they face, the attitude of society are constantly covered.
– through partnership with the government of the Republic of Moldova, steps are being taken to amend and supplement the legislative framework in terms of legal support for organizations like ours and directly for people with disabilities in matters of employment, social assistance, health care and recreation.
– through law enforcement agencies, a plan has been developed and a set of measures is being implemented to protect the rights of people with disabilities (protection of property, physical and moral integrity) the steps taken have significantly changed for the better the attitude of society as a whole, public authorities, government, employers towards the problem of people with mental and mental disabilities .
The organization, being a member of the Union of Disabled People of the Republic of Moldova, actively participates in the promotion of work at the international level.
Parents actively participate in thematic seminars, trainings, meetings, which allow them to get more information on caring for sick children.