an online master class on the topic: Making mats, other souvenirs from used objects.

On September 10, 2021, in the premises “Hope and Health”, an online master class was held with the theme: Making mats, other souvenirs from used objects.
The seminar was attended by beneficiaries from “Hope and Health”, TAUR, Casa Iris (Romania), OSORC (Tiraspol).
The participants learned to manufacture handmade rugs from used knitted items.
This activity is possible thanks to the Project “Strengthening the capacity to implement social protection measures, advocacy and fundraising for people with intellectual disabilities during the pandemic”, a grant awarded by the Black Sea Trust, a project of the German Marshall Fund in the United States.
You can find more information about the partners, as well as the project activities, if you visit us at:
Írisz Ház – Diakónia Sepsiszentgyörgy (Casa IRIS) –
OSORC (Centrul de bază pentru reabilitare și consiliere) –

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